Monday, December 5, 2016


Writing Captions:

Mr. Marley Grinch is stealing the pies from the Opera Bakery in Wales on November 30, 2016. Mr. Grinch has been named the Pie Faced Bandit, and has stolen from over 30 different bakeries. 

50 geese are making their escape from the Austin Zoo, on October 17, 2016. The geese had been held captive with poor conditions, and were finally given the chance to live a free life.

Rules of Photography:
1. Rule of thirds- when the subject is in one of the intersection points in the corners. 
2. Balancing Elements- when the elements in your picture are balanced. 
3. Leading Lines- when lines are leading toward your subject.
4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)- when objects in the photo are repeated. 
5. Viewpoint- the angle that a photo is taken at. 
6. Background- creating a simple background to focus on the subject. 
7. Create depth- showing objects in the foreground and background. 
8. Framing- using objects as frames to frame your photo or your subject. 
9. Cropping- the way you size and crop your picture. 
10. Mergers and avoiding them- finding a plain background so you don't have things seeming like they are coming out of your object. 

Aperture, Shutter speed, and ISO:
Aperture:  how much light is let into the camera, which determines how focused the subject and background will be. 
Shutter Speed: the length of time a camera shutter is open, which determines how fast a photo is taken.
ISO: how sensitive a camera is to light, which determines the quality of a photo. 

Ethics of Manipulating Photos:
What's Ethical: cropping the image, and slightly making things larger or smaller. 
What's Not Ethical: changing colors. 

The Types of Portraits:
Environmental: a portrait taken in the subject's usual environment.
Self: a portrait taken of one's self. 
Casual: or portrait of a person. 
Formal: a carefully posed photo. 
Informal: a photo that's not not set up or posed.

Photographic Terms:
Exposure: how much light is in an area, determines how light or dark the image will be. 
Depth of Field: the distance between the closest and farthest objects in the photo. 
Focal Length: the distance between lens and image sensor that determines how zoomed in the photo. 

Magazine Covers:
Early: the first type of magazine covers, had drawings on them.
Poster: a magazine where the image is the main thing on the cover. 
Married to Type: the headlines and font are arranged around the photo, and blend in with the image. 
Forest of Words: there are lots of headlines 

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